Well. This is place where you might find some interesting 'facts' about me that sit outside what you already know.
The details are intended to be a surprise but remain endearing. I am after all a professional.
Of course you may be here to simply find out how to get in touch. You can do that using :
email for wedding and portrait work - joe@JPSinghphotography.co.uk
email for music , lifestyle and corporate enquires - joe@snaprockandpop.co.uk
Ok. Here are those facts:
1. My favourite thing to eat is anchovies straight from the tin
2. I've dislocated my jaw twice from simply talking too much
3. I keep a paper diary
4. I am very interested in and choose to read books about neuroscience
5. I love a Smokey single malt
6. I don't care if you shoot Nikon or Canon
7. I drum in three bands. One is the www.vinnypeculiar.com band